Thursday, May 7, 2009

ACTION ALERT: Take Action on HB 3000 to move it from Rules Committee to the House Floor!

An URGENT Take Action request from Autism Votes, some links from this blog site added for more background if desired, but WE MUST STEP UP CALLS AND EMAILS to make HB 3000 stand out from other bills, be voted to go to the House floor and to keep it moving to passage in this Legislative session. As the ACTION ALERT notes, if HB 3000 dies in this session, the next opportunity to submit a bill won't be until 2011--2 years from now, and implementation probably won't be for another year or 2 after that. We have bipartisan support, but HB 3000 MUST make it to House Floor in order for an opportunity for a vote!

Please respond to the action alert and keep contacting the legislators!

05/06/09 Autism Votes... It's time for lawmakers to listen.

Dear Oregon Autism Advocate,

States all around us are passing autism insurance reform. As you know Oregon HB 3000 has been introduced in the Oregon legislature and if passed will provide Oregon's children with autism insurance coverage for treatments and therapies they need and deserve, including ABA therapy.

Our next hurdle is the House Rules Committee and then HB 3000 is on it's way to the floor of the House for a vote and one step closer to becoming a law!

If the bill does not get out of the Rules Committee, we will not be able to get appropriate coverage for Oregon's children until the next session in 2011.

We need your help to make some noise and let the committee know how very much you want this bill to pass on through the legislative process! They are hearing from the insurance companies...they need to hear from you!

Here is How You Can Help:

1. CONTACT THE MEMBERS OF THE RULES COMMITTEE AND ASK THEM TO VOTE YES FOR HB 3000! We need you to contact the following people each day until we tell you to stop and ask them to vote YES on HB 3000. If you are a constituent, be sure to let them know.

> CALL THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE! Calls are way more important than emails. They need to hear your voices and we need their phones ringing off the hook!

Representative Arnie Roblan, Chair - 503-986-1409
Representative Vicki Berger - 503-986-1420
Representative Chris Edwards - 503-986-1414
Representative Bill Garrard - 503-986-1456
Representative Sara Gelser - 503-986-1416
Representative Bob Jenson - 503-986-1458
Representative Mary Nolan - 503-986-1436
Representative Tobias Read - 503-986-1427

Not sure what to say? Follow this script:

"Hi! My name is _________________________. I am calling to ask Representative _____________ to vote YES on HB 3000 and to allow HB 3000 to go to the House Floor for a vote. Thank you so much!"

> CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW UP WITH AN EMAIL TO ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS! You don't need to know their email addresses, our system will send the email for you. It's easy!

2. MULTIPLY YOUR EFFORTS BY RECRUITING 20 PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO CALL TOO -- JUST FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO THEM! We need to multiply our grassroots efforts exponentially over the course of the next few days and generate thousands of calls. Please forward this to anyone who can help make calls to the committee to ask them to vote YES for HB 3000. They do not have to have a child with autism to be supportive! Think outside the box to neighbors, family members, friends, coworkers - anyone you know who lives in Oregon who would make these calls for your child

Thanks for your time and effort. Please call them and follow up with an email every day. This is very important so that HB 3000 can continue through the legislative process on become a reality.

For more information on HB 3000 visit!

Happy dialing!

Shelley Hendrix
Director of State Advocacy Relations
Autism Speaks

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