Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ACTION: How to take action on the federal Autism Treatment Acceleration Acts of 2009 (ATAA)

The below request has been sent out by Autism Votes, and never was a truer word said than,
"Health insurance reform is the buzz word in Washington, DC right now. We need to generate thousands of calls to be sure that our children's needs for access to the treatments and therapies that will help them are being heard!"
We have an opportunity, but we must keep OUR voices and concerns on the front burner and get these bills passed this Congressional session---so it is extremely important to keep in touch with our members of Congress and get them on-board with the ATAAs [S. 819, H.R. 2413].

Previous posts on the bills


"We are ramping up our grassroots efforts for the Autism Treatment Acceleration Act and need your immediate attention and support on this issue!

You are receiving this email because you live in a state that worked hard this year to pass autism insurance reform at a state level. Your state legislative efforts have come to an end and you made significant gains this year! Congratulations on all your hard work.

Through this piece of federal legislation, we have the opportunity to end autism insurance discrimination once and for all from coast to coast!

We need your help to do that by calling the following people each day this week!

Health insurance reform is the buzz word in Washington, DC right now. We need to generate thousands of calls to be sure that our children's needs for access to the treatments and therapies that will help them are being heard!

Here's how YOU can help:


1. CALL YOUR SENATORS IN CONGRESS AND ASK THEM TO CO-SPONSOR THE ATAA (Senate Bill 819)! You can find out who your senators are HERE - be sure to check here to see if they have already decided to co-sponsor the ATAA prior to calling by checking the list of co-sponsors. Your Senators have received a Dear Colleague letter from the bill's original sponsors which you can read here.

2. CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND ASK THEM TO CO-SPONSOR THE ATAA (H.R. 2413)! You can find out who your Congressman is HERE. Be sure to check here to see if they have already agreed to co-sponsor the legislation before you call them.

Not sure of what to say? It's easy! Just say this:

"Hi! My name is ____________. I am a constituent of yours and live in (City,State). I am calling to ask you to cosponsor the Autism Treatment Acceleration Act (give the appropriate bill number - Senate is S. 819 and House is H.R. 2413). We worked very hard to pass similar legislation as this in our state but were not able to do so this session. We need your help to end autism insurance discrimination. Thank you so much."

> Once you have completed your call, you can send emails to the Members of Congress HERE!

3. FORWARD THIS TO 20 OTHER PEOPLE THAT CAN HELP YOU! If you have ever heard someone say, "I wish there was something we could do to help (insert your child's name here)!", now they can. It is a cost effective way to truly help your child and the other children with autism not only in your state, but nationwide.


We can do this!

For more information on the Autism Treatment Acceleration Act, please visit

Happy dialing!

Shelley Hendrix
Director of State Advocacy Relations
Autism Speaks

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