Important heads-up from Autism Votes!
An urgent action item is coming!
Dear Autism Advocate,
HEALTH CARE REFORM UPDATE: Things are moving VERY quickly in the House now with health care reform and we need you to be ready to act at a moment's notice and give it everything you've got!
Last night, The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed an autism amendment offered by Congressman Mike Doyle (D-PA), Chairman of the Congressional Autism Caucus and member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, to H.R. 3200, the America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - the House health care reform bill that is currently undergoing markup in the Energy and Commerce Committee. His amendment would set up national training initiatives on autism.
We anticipate that Congressman Doyle will introduce a very important amendment to the bill tomorrow that will SEEK TO END AUTISM INSURANCE DISCRIMINATION ONCE AND FOR ALL.
When that happens, we will need you to be ready to call following our direction AS FAST AND FURIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE.
We will need to make a loud statement that want this amendment to be attached to the bill.
Our children deserve appropriate healthcare that provides them with access to the medical treatments and therapies that can help them live more productive and fulfilling lives. Keep every one of them in mind as we make our way through this next stage in the process. They are counting on you!
Stay Tuned!
Elizabeth Emken
Vice President, Govenment Relations
Autism Speaks