At the House Health Care Committee meeting today 4/27/09, HB 3000 was referred on consensus to the House Rules Committee without recommendation. The alternative to this referral was that HB 3000 would have died in Committee without action having been taken.
This decision can be heard on the audio transcript (clip 1) at about 14:00-18:46.
Representative Kennemer asked whether this was to Rules to be "ruled" on, or to the "Rules Cemetery". Representative Bruun added the comment that HB 3000 had value and was viable by amendment to use of "current best practices" rather than specific treatment modality in order to give the bill flexibility and to give petitioners and advocates the support required.
The reply of Chairman Greenlick was that the matter would now be in the Rules Committee's hands.
Composition of the Rules Committee,
Rep. Arnie Roblan, Chair, (D-9-Coos Bay) 503-986-1409,
Rep. Vicki Berger, Vice-Ch. (R-20-Salem) 503-986-1420,
Rep. Chris Edwards, Vice-Ch. (D-14-Eugene) 503-986-1414,
Rep. Bill Garrard (R-56-Klamath Falls) 503-986-1456,
Rep. Sara Gelser (D-16-Corvallis & Philomath) 503-986-1416,
Rep. Bob Jenson (R-58-Pendleton) 503-986-1458,
Rep. Mary Nolan (D-36-Portland) 503-986-1436,
Rep. Tobias Read (D-27-Beaverton) 503-986-1427,
Staffing: Jerry Watson, Mike Reiley
Office: 453, Phone: 503-986-1532
Link to the Rules Committee's Agenda page
The Senate Health Policy Commttee will meet TUES 3/6/12 at noon to once
again consider the autism insurance reform bills, but is NOT expected to
vote. Don'...
13 years ago
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