Rough notes from the
Audio recording of the 4/8/09 Public Hearing of HB 3000, House Health Care Committee
[Blog author note:
Because this is a summary of some points of an audio presentation, this is not an exact transcript nor should it be quoted as direct statements of the participants--readers should listen to, and consult the full audio of the Committee Meeting for the proceedings of the full meeting and testimony given.]
Running time of the audio 2:22:09
Counter times are noted because there is a break in the Public Hearing on HB 3000 for a
workgroup session and testimony on HB 3000 reopens and resumes approximately an hour later.
0:6:20 Rep. Greenlick/Chair of Committee - Opens the public hearing.
0:6:30 Rep. Peter Buckley-introductory and general remarks to the issue and what exists for children within the state of Oregon, and compares the issue of insurance and access to treatment and future independence.
0:9:00 Rep. Chris Edwards - Talks of role in hearings recently held around the state. 1/89 ASD kids in Oregon. Every stop heard cries from parents looking for payment mechanism for treatment. Argues services are essential and also underfunded. ASD at intersection of education and medical. Thanked committee.
0:13:06 Rep. Greenlick - Thanks Reps. and discusses human cost involved with this disease.
0:14:24 Rep ? - Was it a known or an unknown that ASD fell through the cracks when Mental Health Parity (SB 1) was passed.
(Time) :Rep. Edwards-While work is being done education in EI/ECSE to be more efficient and aggressive, insurance is asked to participate.
0:15:39 Rep. Kemmerer?-Perhaps a technical question-Bill (HB 3000) cites DSM-IV, but soon obsolete and is DSM-V more appropriate?
0:16:30 Rep. Edwards - Diagnostics issue will be provenance of Governor's Council (Body currently being formed per passed 2009 HB 3001)
0:17:09 Rep. Kotek - Intrigued by defining autism service provider. What is source?
0:17:35 Rep. Buckley - Taken from a template used in other states.
0:18:00 Rep. Greenlick - Questions "unusual" choice of defining particular treatment (ABA) and HRC report, that not broad base medical support of efficacy.
0:18:55 Rep. Edwards - Emphasis getting appropriate treatments to these kids and concerned that these are not be held to a higher standard than another treating other conditions. Concerned that ABA being held to a higher standard.
0:20:12- Rep. Greenlick - critiques mandating specific treatment modality in statute, in addition to mandating service.
0:20:28 - Rep. Edwards- perhaps unusual, but unusual condition, and because of where it lies there have been loopholes against coverage, and ergo the bill is more prescriptive.
0:21:30 -Rep. Greenlick closes testimony on HB 3000 to be opened later same day.
Next post on this meeting will pick at 1:27:03 of the audio transcript, where the testimony reopens with the testimony of Lorri Unumb, Senior Council of Autism Speaks.
The Senate Health Policy Commttee will meet TUES 3/6/12 at noon to once
again consider the autism insurance reform bills, but is NOT expected to
vote. Don'...
13 years ago
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